Cherry Vodka (Wisniowka)

Cherry Vodka (Wisniowka)

Lars Østergaard
Lars Østergaard

1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) black cherries 1 liter (1 quart) 90o alcohol 600gram (3 cups) sugar 7gram (1/4 ounce) mace.

Wash the cherries but do not pit them. Add the mace cover with alcohol and seal in an airtight glass container. Let steep for a week stirring daily. Strain the liquid into another jar cover and store in a cool place. Add the sugar to the cherries in their original container. Seal and place in the sun or in a warm place. Stir every two or three days. After a few weeks the fruit will have digested the sugar. Strain and pour the syrup into the macerated alcohol. Wash the cherries in 15 centiliters (5 fluid ounces) of boiling water and add this liquid to the vodka to reduce its alcohol content. Pepeat the process. Let the resulting mixture rest for one month then strain into serving bottles.

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